How far I am in my transition

Now that we've established non-binary folks go through transition in a similar way to trans people, what is my status in particular?

I have, in order: – Come out to my partner – Picked a new name and pronouns – Asked my partner to use them – Come out to my work with new name and pronouns – Mentioned it to a handful of friends, but not properly

You'll notice conspicuously missing is telling my family. Also that after my partner, my work was the set of people on my list. Honestly reflects my level of closeness / trust in those parties. :)

My partner was the hardest, mostly because it was the first, so “coming out to myself' was a part of the process. Also because my partner is the person who it affects most.

My workplace is super inclusive, and I even know of a handful of non-binary folks. I've watched some coworkers transition and it's always gone smoothly. So I wasn't worried. Professionalism also dictates that people try their best to use the new names and pronouns.

My friends I'm a little concerned about, mostly just because I'm not sure how to handle the social situation of people using the wrong pronouns. But in terms of acceptance, I think it'll go well.

My parents are the biggest unknown variable. We're not close. We're from different generations, different cultures. And I think them not getting it would crush me the most.