Non-binary and Trans

Oddly enough I don't consider myself trans. But I'm pretty sure this is because of deep denial more than anything else.

Being trans is not identifying with the gender you were assigned at birth. Since no one really gets assigned “NB” at birth, all non-binary folk are by definition trans. Unless somehow your parents were familiar with the concept and you never meshed with M or F.

Regardless of my state of constant denial, transmen and -women and enbies share a similar path, though I've found the details can vary a lot. Most of the big milestones are the same—coming out, changing your name, legally changing your name and gender, trying to pass, surgeries, hormones, etc., etc, etc. But the specific anxieties and doubts take on a different flavor.

I oftentimes find myself wishing I wanted to be male instead of non-binary. It would be so much easier to explain to people, to have them take this seriously. But I think in the end, non-binary is right in a way that male is not.